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Giving Back

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Steeplechase of Charleston gives back through the Good Cheer Fund

Through our partnership with The Post and Courier, Steeplechase of Charleston is proud to support the annual Good Cheer Fund. Charity has always been an important part of Steeplechase of Charleston, and that focus continues as we focus on Good Cheer and the seven agencies the fund gives to.

History of the Good Cheer Fund

The Good Cheer Fund was established in 1927 by Thomas P. Lesesne, former managing editor of The News and Courier (now The Post and Courier) as a Lowcountry community outreach program to help people in need during the holiday season.

The Good Cheer Fund traditionally begins the Sunday after Thanksgiving and runs through Christmas Day. Each day during this period, The Post and Courier publishes daily updates and inspiring accounts of how the fund helps neighbors in need through the seven Good Cheer Fund agencies: Association for the Blind, Carolina Youth Development Center, Catholic Charities, the Lowcountry Food Bank, Salvation Army, Star Gospel Mission and the Charleston Leadership Foundation.

How The Fund Works

Since the Good Cheer Fund’s beginning, more than $8,735,417.93 has been raised to help families in crisis, clothe the less fortunate, shelter the homeless and feed the hungry of the community.

Principal funding comes from individuals and businesses in the community who respond annually to the newspaper articles written during the holiday season. One hundred percent of the donations made to the Good Cheer Fund are distributed to the seven agencies, with no overhead or administrative costs consuming any of the contributions.

The Good Cheer Fund is registered in the State of South Carolina as a part of The Post and Courier Foundation. The Fund has its own bank account and funds received are deposited to that account, providing separate accountability for Good Cheer Fund receipts, and the funds are kept separate from any other funds of the newspaper.

One hundred percent of the donations made to the Good Cheer Fund are distributed to the following seven agencies to aid the less fortunate in the Lowcountry during the holidays.

Association For The Blind & Visually Impaired (ABVI)

Founded in 1936, ABVI seeks to improve the quality of life for the blind and visually impaired through services, programs and advocacy designed to help individuals participate fully in their communities. Own Your Life was developed to help individuals gain independent living and job-readiness skills. Focus on Adults and Focus on Children are prevention programs offering free, comprehensive eye exams, glasses and referrals to low-income adults and children.

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities of South Carolina is the social outreach arm of the Catholic Church.  It was founded in 1945 by the Catholic Diocese of Charleston and has since grown to encompass the entire state of South Carolina.  Their Coastal Regional Office covers Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester counties by providing disaster services, wellness services, pregnancy and family services, and homeless and outreach services. Catholic Charities also provides Thanksgiving dinners, food gift cards, toys, and other emergency assistance during the holiday season.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is part of a worldwide movement that tailors its programs to the needs of the areas it serves. The Charleston branch helps a wide range of clients through services such as emergency food assistance, clothing vouchers, utility and rental assistance and prescription medicines. The Salvation Army provides Christmas gift assistance to families in need during the Christmas season.

Carolina Youth Development Center

Founded in 1790 as the Charleston Orphan House, the Carolina Youth Development Center's mission is to empower and equip vulnerable children by providing a safe environment, educational support, and career readiness, in collaboration with families and community partners, serving more than 1,200 children and families each year. In addition to CYDC's emergency shelters for child victims of abuse and neglect, outreach programs include Big Brothers Big Sisters, Family Strengthening, and the Bakker Career Center, which prepares youth for success in adulthood through job readiness and life skills.

Lowcountry Food Bank

The Lowcountry Food Bank’s mission is to feed the poor and hungry of the 10 coastal counties of South Carolina by soliciting and distributing healthy food and grocery products to nonprofit agencies serving the poor, and to educate the public about the problems of and solutions to domestic hunger. Nearly 20% of the Lowcountry Food Bank’s clients are seniors.

Star Gospel Mission

For 115 years the Star Gospel Mission has been ministering to the poor, the needy and homeless men throughout the Lowcountry. The Mission provides transitional housing for up to 28 men who are seeking to make significant changes in their lives and experience a transformation that will place them on the right path in life and provide them with a much brighter future. The Mission also offers seasonal assistance to Tri-county residents with emergency rent payments, utility bills, medical expenses, dental and eye wear assistance, emergency transportation needs and food gift cards.

Charleston Leadership Foundation

The Charleston Leadership Foundation (CLF) was founded in 2002 to bring together local Christians to minister to the community and change lives.

Through the Good Cheer Fund, CLF will answers prayers for physical needs in the community as well.